Is a sales tax free state a good state to buy a new tractor truck?

by Kyle
(Sacramento,ca, usa)

I have been told I can save many thousands of dollars by buying a truck in one of the five states that do not have sales tax. Anyone have thoughts about this?

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Mar 19, 2013
Crossing state lines
by: Vicki Simons

Please be careful about buying a truck in a tax-free state but bringing it into and using it in a state that taxes truck sales. If this works as we think it might, you could be in for a rude awakening. You may wish to consult an attorney.


Best regards,
Vicki Simons

Mar 19, 2013
No Tax on Commercial Truck Tractors...
by: Derrick

For what it's worth... I've never paid taxes on a truck that I've purchased. Now I don't know if the states that I've purchased from are tax free or not. But states that I've purchased from are Michigan and Minnesota.

From my understanding is that you're not supposed to be charged a tax when purchasing a commercial truck tractor. But some unscrupulous dealers will try to charge you if you don't know any better.

You're only charged a tax when you title it which is the regular titling fees that motor vehicles charge. Check on your local DMV website.

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