is being a lease purchase driver better than being a company driver?

by jason taylor
(st. louisville ohio u.s.a.)

i've decided that i want to be a truck being a lease purchase driver better than being a company driver?

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Jul 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

Jason Taylor, you need to get in contact with the man your fiance Kimberly Henderson has been with behind your back for the past few years.You better see this post before you marry a liar and a cheater. I can get you in contact with him. He works at Newark Resident Homes in Newark Ohio. His name is Homer. You better think about who you are really getting married to. She knows the truth and she will just lie to you, but he has solid proof that it is true. you need to contact Homer as soon as possible. Im sorry for this but I think you should know the truth before you marry a woman who can not be trusted. Please believe me. Call him soon!!!!

Apr 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

Depends on who you ask, and where you lease from, do your homework first, not all are cracked up to be, and most will steal you blind

Jun 10, 2011
Depends WHO you are
by: MacGyver

Yes, of course it depends who you ask, but more importantly depends WHO you ARE. Do you have any mechanical skills at all? No? Stick with company job. Can you (and do you) balance your checkbook (regularly) and keep within a pre-determined budget? NO? Company job. Are you willing to give up any time off to do tedious maintenance tasks instead of paying "the shop"... No? Company job! Are you at all concerned about your 401k or health benefits? YES? Company job! P.S. you WILL NOT make more money when you "pay off" that truck - Uncle Sam will not allow it! (There seems to be fewer and fewer Owner operators every day - do you ever wonder why?) Did you know that you have to pay TWICE as much to Social Security when you are self employed? No? Company job! Neighbors of (successful) o/o's would probably not recognize that truck in the driveway if the hood were not open! It takes dedication and hard labor to own any business, and being an owner operator compounds both factors exponentially. There is no job more rewarding than being a successful o/o - but there is none tougher either. (written by a 12yr veteran o/o who enjoys relaxing in the air conditioning while his 2yr old company truck is being repaired at someone else's expense - hmmmm - who are you?)

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