is it a good thing to start tucking at the age of 21.

by Eddie
(Alphareta,Ga US)

can i make alot of money trcking at a young age.

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Sep 01, 2010
trucking at 21
by: Hervy

Eddie, the younger you are as long as you mind is conditioned for success the more money you will make in trucking.

Making decisions with the big picture in mind is the key. You know what you want, so set yourself up to accomplish the steps to get what you want.

I am talking about establishing your credit.
Saving your money.
Learning about the industry.
After getting experience consider specializing
or becoming an owner operator.
All while keep your record as clean as possible so you remain marketable to the best trucking companies so you can have the most options.

Read this page....

Aug 30, 2010
Big bucks????
by: Jimmy

Yeah, you can make money, but, can you manage money? Do you "blow" your paycheck in 1 day? Or, do you put some aside? Do you know how much $$$ is in your wallet right now? Or do you wad it up or stuff it in your pocket? Do you pay your bills on time? Simple questions, the answers say a lot about YOU. Jimmy

Aug 30, 2010

I am now 46, but I started driving when I was 21. I enjoyed it then, and I still enjoy it now. I think that is the key, if your just on the road for the paycheck, I think being a truck driver will become chore rather than a job. Enjoy the road and make the best out of the opportunities that it has to offer, and you can have long rewarding career. Truck driving is not just a job, it's a lifestyle and if your heart isn't into it, it will spit you out somewhere down the road. I say, "go for it." See if you like it. You are young enough to do whatever you wish to do. Good luck my friend. Be safe, Son....

Aug 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

If your heart is in really in it, then trucking is a very good thing. As far as making $$. That will depend on what you are willing to put into it. If you are willing to run anywhere and stay out for extended periods of time, you will increase you odds. Also; if you can get an opportunity to learn and specialize in haz-mat, or permit loads, you should see bigger pay checks. Keep in mind, there are companies out there the pay extra for running certain parts of the east coast. remember, trucking can be a hard life. it is not for everyone, but if you stick it out and keep your mind focused on your goals, then you should be able to make a good living out there. God bless you and stay safe.

Aug 29, 2010
Starting out
by: American trucker

Young man i started driving when i was in diapers.
be sure to educate yourself about this industry. It will make you or break you. So do your home work and i think you will do just fine.

Hervy has a lot of info here on this site he does a great job in helping young guys like you. you can also explore

Both these sites have a wealth of info for you.
best of luck maybe we see you on road.

American Trucker

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