Is it a silent breakup???

by Wondering

When I asked my husband about some odd charges in the bank account he finally admitted that he gave some one money. That was about a couple weeks ago. I called him the other day he wouldn't answer the phone and hasn't called me back in several days.

We've been married for 18 years and have a 17-year-old son. I'm not sure what to do next because I I don't know if he wants to continue the relationship or not.

Right now it's financially difficult because he really wasn't making all that much money and Now he gave away the savings and I can't pay any bills.

I'm very confused I don't know if he's just needs time to think or he never plans on coming back at all. his job doesn't allow him to come home on weekends.

He has to apply for time off the last time I spoke to him he said he wasn't planning on taking any time off. He hasn't been home in over eight weeks.

I do craft work to make extra money but I guess now I have to get a real job. My son is so upset by all this that he wants to go out and work to help make ends meet.

I'm A little concerned because none of the bills are in his name. My car I got from my dad and except for some clothing and some tools he really doesn't have anything of value to come back for.

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Oct 08, 2016
Doesn't matter what the details are
by: Hervy

What I mean is even if he calls or comes back you should be doing what you need to do to better position yourself.

It's true, he could be so embarrassed or frozen by the situation, no matter what it is or seems to be, that he doesn't now what to do for the moment and eventually show back up. (physically or metaphorically by way of phone)

Still you shouldn't be relying on him to do things right when considering the current situation no matter what the details are.

So it seems you definitely need to be making some money and putting away what you can after paying bills.

If your son is not in school he definitely should be working. I mean not that it's fair for him to have to take up the slack of his father but if he is out of school and staying home in my opinion he should be contributing anyway. But that is another conversation and obviously I am taking a position on it without knowing anything about the relevant details with your son.

Bottom line though, you need to be doing all you can to become independent, cause something is strange about this situation.

I wish all wives would get my CD and give it to the husband because I talk to them about what do they do when the games they play on the road ends up at a dead end and they have to evaluate if it was worth it. When having to deal with the consequences of destroying a family structure, which could crossover into financial crisis.

Most of them don't think about that until it is too late. Don't know if this situation is that scenario but it's close enough no matter what the details are.

Just sad.

I hope things work out. I empathize with you and your family for having to deal with this situation.

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