is it bad luck to take an ex girlfriends name off your dump truck?

leaving ex girlfriends name on a dump truck

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Mar 19, 2023
Name ? NEW
by: Jimmy

Curious, you do mean a "nickname" painted on the side away from the business name, right? Or, is her name part of the business name on the side ? Kinda' like an old girlfriend's name tattooed on your chest, leave it of cover over ? Jimmy

Jan 31, 2023
Take it Off or Leave it On
by: The Crazy Trucker

It's only bad luck if you believe it's bad luck.

If you believe it's good luck it will be!

Here's how the mind works on something like that.
Whatever you believe will create a filter through which you will interpret life.

Example. Let's say you take it off and you think to do so brings about bad luck.

Let's say you skip the pre-trip tomorrow.

You get pulled over because the DOT see's you have a flat tire wobbling on the rim.

He gives you an inspection and maybe finds another problem or not.

Well, if you believe removing the name brings you bad luck. You'll say you got pulled over because you took the name off. Or the tire went flat because you took the name off.

If you didn't believe that taking the name off....

You would simply think, "I should have done the pre-trip and maybe I would have caught the flat tire"

Let's say you leave the name on cause you think it will bring you good luck.

Tomorrow you leave out in the morning and catch all of the lights on Green. You might say, wow it's because her name is on the truck.

But if the name was off the truck and you realized that it doesn't matter at all.... You would probably just realize that the lights are programmed such that if you hit one at the speed limit and maintain the speed you will likely make it through all of them on that street.

Much of life is about perspective, awareness, mindset, attitude and personal responsibility not luck.

So whether you take it off or leave it won't affect what happens to you.

What's more important though is whether seeing the name brings about positive or negative thoughts. Does it make you happy or sad? Is it motivating or draining? Give you good energy or bad energy?

Let that determine whether you take it off or leave it!

Best wishes.

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