Is it feasible to work trucking jobs off and on while pursuing other certifications?

by Ethan Wetzel
(Rockford, IL)

I would like to use trucking jobs as a way to fund other pursuits and dreams that I have. There are not many jobs that pay well that I would be able to jump in and out of but still make decent money. I have seen so many postings for CDL drivers while job searching for something. It occurred to me to pursue a trade to more efficiently earn money to support other education. Yet many require knowing people or staying planted at that certain location for quite a while.

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Feb 05, 2015
using trucking to create wealth
by: Hervy

Do a search on homepage for "using trucking to create wealth"

It is primarily addressing the question you asked about using trucking to pursue other goals, venture, etc. The short answer, Yes You Can.

I always advise drivers to go into trucking with a plan. Will you pursue trucking as a career to retire from or something else. Expand your knowledge about the industry and what it offers.

Also, Work on alternate income producing projects or goals while driving. It offers peace of mind and a productive way to spend free time. It also eliminates one from saying (or having the reality of) all I know how to do is drive.

The ultimate goal should be to drive because you love it, not because you have to.

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