is it hazardous to drive the mountains in the 11 western states?

by john

how do you learn to drive the mountains..especially in the winter if your solo when the snow starts, and your are done training?

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Jul 22, 2010
~Slow Ride or Die~
by: ~LaReina~

~Thank you Nick V! I totally agree with you. It's awful to see any trucker belly up, but it is true. It happens too often to ignore the possibilities. Take care and Stay safe out there.~

Jul 22, 2010
Slow Ri Dah, Drives a lil slower
by: NickV

LaReina put the hammer to the nail on that answer. Slow yo heavy butt down! Screw them super truckers, screw them 4 wheelers, you do what you feel safe with. You lock up your brakes and you arent stoppin anywhere close to where you want to so the best thing for you to do is go as slow as you possibly can. There is no minimum speed limits in the snow. Just keep it low and slow, get that cruise off and that jake off. Pedals only. Watch them super truckers that blow your doors off, even try and remember what their truck says on it cause you will have to read it upside down 5 miles down the road.

Jul 22, 2010
by: LaReina

~I know exactly what you are asking about. I was in that particular situation and just ran the truck real slow. It wasn't hard to do because most of the other trucks were doing the same thing. My windshield wipers froze up on me and made it difficult to see. I had to pull over at a Petro and clear them off...check on the truck...and ride on cuz there was no time to stop. Now, don't get me was scary. The truck felt as if it were sliding. I had seen some other trucks breeze on by, yet I stayed at a steady slowpoke pace cuz I knew it was only me out there and I have a family that I wanted to make it back to...ALIVE. It sure can get dangerous out there in those mountains.~

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