Is it illegal to have sex in the sleeper in a public parking lot?

I am meeting a friend at a Walmart, we will meet tonight and he delivers there in the morning. We want to have sex in the sleeper and obviously spend the night together.

I am worried that we could get arrested if someone reports the rig rocking. He says it is ok because the sleeper is considered like living area and as long as we have the curtains closed we are ok.

Is he correct?

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Aug 31, 2019
by: Anonymous

You are a grown man or woman right? What right does any company have to take any right away from you. Last I checked this is still America, land of the free, home of the brave. Furthermore, as long as you are not having sex outside the truck and as the other patrons comments have discussed as long as curtians are over the windows, dont ask, dont tell policy should be in affect and also everyone should just mind their buisness. What happened to this world?
Unless yall aint disturbing the peace, it is what it is ya get me?
Do what you do!

Mar 29, 2019
Go for it NEW
by: Manic Mistress

I have to say as a single woman who spends most of her life on the road, I look forward to the occasional encounter with a guy or girl.
I've met up with a few special friends on my travels and never had any issues with having to explain why "the cab is a rocking."
I say go for it... Have a ball. Or two of them if so

Apr 08, 2016
Is it illegal to have sex in the sleeper in a public parking lot? - See more at: NEW
by: Anonymous

no it is not illegal a truckers sleeper cab is classed as his home as long as the curtains are closed.

Nov 24, 2012
by: Anonymous

lol I posted the previous message on the wrong board!! this comment below goes for the idling truck question!

Nov 24, 2012
Okay someone needs to do something about this fn rule
by: Anonymous

What do they expect the drivers to do while sleeping in the bed area, suffocate! Or freeze? This is lame, and I think someone should have this rule abolished!!!

If you have an animal in the truck with you this rule does not apply in any state!! So now we are less than an animal!! for God's sake what is going on here!!???

Nov 24, 2012
Damn I hope not!!
by: Longhauler69

Well if it is illegal I have broken the law....A LOT!!!! :)Never even worried about the Cab Rockin either. It is a human instinct.....Go for it!!

Oct 26, 2012
by: Anonymous

Trucked with my husband for several years, was never an issue, don't think we ever stopped to consider that sex in the privacy of the sleeper of your truck with curtains closed could be illegal. Ridiculous lol

Aug 18, 2012
Going to bed with your Friend
by: Anonymous

Do you always go to bed with your friends, so how do you know your so called friend is married or has a girlfriend.

Aug 16, 2012
If you are a prositute it is!!! lol
by: Anonymous

How are they going to know if your having sex or not???? I mean really if someone(cops)is knocking on the door tell them wait a minute please! dress and then answer it.

Are they really going to ask you "excuse me sir/maam are you having sex in your cab"!! hahahahahahahaaha I cant get over this question it is so lame and funny at the same time.

Truck stops are public places have you ever heard of a wife/husband, boyfriend/girlfriend getting busted for having sex in their cab????

In the case that this should take place just remember to know each others names, where each of you live, each others birth dates etc..... or for sure then they will give you a prostitution/ solicitation charge!! LOL

So who ever drummed up this story for sure was doing something else besides just having sex in their cab and with someone they probably didn't know!! hahahhahahhahhahhahhahhaha!!!!!

Aug 16, 2012
Instructions for having sex in the truck
by: Anonymous

In order for you to not get caught( I am serious) ,do not lay on the bed,because the truck will shake left and right, first secure the upper bed against the wall, you must stand up and the movement must be forward and backwards( From the engine towards the fifth wheel) , this way it won't be any shaking.

Aug 16, 2012
Why has to be so complex?
by: Anonymous

Tell him to dump the trailer , and put a lock on it, snd move away for 2 seconds lol:) , truckers have no stamina!!

Aug 16, 2012
Illegal in the sleeper
by: Anonymous

I have heard that it IS illegal. I have heard that some companies are against it even for married couples. I have heard that you could loose your job for it. Good Luck!

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