Is it impossible to get a driving job if the DUI isn't on my mvr but alcohol class is?

by John Judway
(Middletown Ct)

Dui is not on record but taking the alcohol class is. Will I get hired at a trucking company?

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Jul 01, 2013
Not impossible NEW
by: Hervy

It's not impossible but the older that DUI is the more likely it is you will be considered for a trucking job.

My advice is to call around to trucking companies and see what their response is. This way you will be more sure of what types of challenges are before you. This may determine if you want to go into debt for the CDL right now or not.

As far as the DUI not showing up, you are required to tell them you have a DUI. I am sure they will find out if the alcohol class in on your record anyway.

John, keep on pushing forward my friend. Let nothing discourage you.

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