is it legal for a private company take fuel out of pay

is it legal for a private owned company to take fuel charge off the top before they pay you

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Apr 30, 2013
no contract or lease NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for that answer a lease or contract was never signed

Apr 29, 2013
Check your contract or lease for legalities NEW
by: Vicki Simons


Your question about whether or not it is "legal" for a private (trucking) company to take (payment for) fuel out of a (trucker's) pay depends entirely upon the contract or lease that the trucker signed. Please check your contract or lease for legalities.

Many owner operators who have signed lease purchase agreements find it very difficult to make money for numerous reasons.

Land Line Magazine, the official publication of the Owner Operators Independent Drivers Association, published an article in July 2010 entitled "Lease or Fleece" that detailed some of these reasons.

We hope it doesn't come to this, but if you find that your trucking company is going beyond what is written in your contract or lease, it may be time for you to consult an attorney.

In the meantime, my husband Mike and I wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

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