is it legal to take a baby aboard a 18 Wheeler

Will you get in trouble for having a baby aboard a 18 Wheeler?

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Jan 19, 2013
by: Anonymous

Sorry... Didn't proofread before posting... Damn autocorrect.... I'm sure y'all can figure out the words I meant to say...

The "tanning" instead of "teaming" really cracked me up.

But I'm sure you get the point. :) :)

Jan 19, 2013
Single mom trucker
by: Anonymous

Crete Carrier had the most liberal rice policy when I drive for them in 2007. Newborn to 4 years if a spouse RIDES along.... 5 and up with a solo driver. My daughter was 4 at the time and I told there safety dept if they approved her to ride along I would not ask for time off.

The only problem I ever encountered was when a TN state trooper told me at 2am it was illegal for her to be in the sleeper... I told him that was a bunch of bull cuz if I was teaming my Co driver would be sleeping.

He went to his car ran my license came back and tolds me to have a safe trip.

No ticket..... Guess he realized he was wrong lolol

I was a single mom at the time and I home schooled her out on the road for a couple of years. She was able to see 45 states.

Nov 01, 2012
hope this advice helps
by: Anonymous

Here's what I know: If you are an owner-operator, you can do whatever you want in your truck as long as you have your own insurance for your passengers whatever their age is.

Now if you're a company driver meaning you drive a company truck, then you have to abide by your company's policies about taking passengers along with you.

My husband has driven for 3 different companies as a company driver and none of them allowed babies to ride.

The youngest age I've seen was a child of 10 years old. And before that child rides with you, you must have them authorized by the company you drive for and they will take a little money out of your check for insurance for the passenger(s).

Hope this helps.

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