Is it normal he gets so upset sounding

I'm young and he is 6 years older than me. Is it normal that he gets bored or he gets depressed and when we talk seems uninterested?

I know he loves me but I just want to make sure he is OK and not pulling away from me.

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Feb 21, 2016
That depends
by: Hervy

#1. Ask him is he still interested in you. Ask where does he see your relationships going. His response to these question will tell you a lot. If you are serious and on the same page, this should not be a strange conversation.

#2. You ask is it normal but the next best thing to do after #1 is judge by your past. Is this new or how he has always been?

If it is new, do you know what it different with your situation now than it was then?

Is he calling you or you are calling him? When you call him does he get off the phone or just hold the phone not talking?

Good luck.

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