Is it possible to get your CDL without having to do long haul?

by Nathan

I've heard you can find companys to help you get your CDL but you have to drive long haul. I want to get my CDL but I don't want to drive all over the country.

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Sep 26, 2011
Southeast Regional Trucking Jobs
by: Hervy

Nathan you can get your CDL and most likely find a regional truck driving job. The easiest would be OTR but many of those same companies has other options. However, don't get set on thinking you WILL definitely find something locally.

It may or may not happen, and most likely not happen.

It's plenty of carriers with Southeastern region runs.

As a matter of fact, you may just be able to find a local trucking job in Alabama if you don't mind hauling logs. There is a lot of logging going on around there!


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