Is it possible to go months without seeing a lot lizard?

by Dawn

My husband starting driving OTR about 7-8

Months ago. He says he has never seen a prostitute. Hasnt heard a story. Has no clue. Says its not around him. But anyone I have talked to has a story or an experience with prostitition.. Is my husband hiding it? Or is it possible he really hasnt seen ANY ?

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Jul 26, 2016
Real lack of lot lizards NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been riding with my husband for three years now, and I can count on one hand the times I've seen lot lizards. Running 7 days a week, for weeks at a time, this means, yes, there are many months with no trace of one. Many states have really cracked down on this in truck stops, and with the police potentially monitoring CBs, you very rarely even hear chatter about or from any. I will say that your boyfriend is likely telling you the truth about the situation. That said, in my lack of seeing any, I theorize truck drivers are now more into using the internet to find their 'company' for the night, which lessens the number of ladies hanging out in the parking lots.

Feb 11, 2016
Reply NEW
by: Dawn

It's actually the other way around. He accuses me of having boyfriends but he says it in.a "joking" manor. He is constantly wondering what I am up to. Because if his past guilt.
I have never accused him of being with a prostitute. Really I am just curious because Ive never seen it happen. Or been around any situation like this. Obviously its a curiosity..
So when I bring it up- i really am just saying have you ever seen one? Is it really as bad as people make it out to be? Do they really come knocking on your door all hours of the night? These are very innocent questions in my opinion- do I think he'd be with one? No. My questions are just simply have you ever seen one? He gets very upset like I am accusing him.

Feb 11, 2016
Changes things a little NEW
by: Hervy

I didn't know he actually gets upset when you ask about a lot lizard. That could be strange except for one point.......

Is he upset about you asking because it makes him anxious because he might be next get asked about interacting with them?

OR..... (its a big or...)

Is he upset because it is a pattern for you to ask him questions, that indicate you don't trust him.

(I hope you see the difference)

If you are always questioning him like you don't trust him, it is totally different than you guys having a normal conversation.

So that is something you have to think about. It changes the meaning of his reactions. Also, if that is a pattern then it's something you want to work on. If you have a reason to be suspicious, it to is something that you guys need to address.
Otherwise these awkward moments in communication will continue and eat at the relationship.

Feb 11, 2016
Reply NEW
by: Dawn

I am just curious? Because Ive heard so many stories it just seems impossible to me that he really hadnt seen or heard a story about them. We do have trust issues obviously- he was no always faithful in the beginning of our relationship but I completely trust him now. Really my point- who cares if he sees one.. But to have never seen one or heard of a story? Then everytime i bring up the subject he gets really defensive and pissed off.. To me it should just be a normal conversation- if were in aspect in my job- ID talk about it!
So yes Im curious how bad is the prostitition situation at truck stops? Because there hasn't been one story about truck driving that hasnt had something to do with a prostitute.

Feb 11, 2016
Why does that matter ...? NEW
by: AlaskasIceRoadDrivingSchool

I have to ask that question? Why would you pick that subject for discussion? Not saying there isn't trust but, I have to ask about this topic? There is so much more to look at out on the road and many other question I would ask my other half who has been out on the road driving. anyway.

You have to love and trust one another ? Who cares if he sees lot lizard or prostitute.

I just wondered why the topic?

Feb 10, 2016
It's Possible
by: Hervy

It is possible. People act like they are at every truck stop and that is not true. Also they don't come out at the ones they are at until later at night.

So, depending on where he drives and how his company operates, it might be true that he hadn't seen on in a while.

For instance, if he is always under a load, he needs to go to sleep when he parks not sitting up all night because he has to get up early and ride.

There has been many truckstops where I heard drivers talk about lot lizards and I would have never known they had them because I never saw them. Most of the time, I was in the back of the bunk, curtain closed and I was working on this website or writing a book or reading.

So that is the biggest variable. If you are sitting up waiting you definitely will see some. If you are with a company that keeps you running and/or you have other things to do with your time then it is possible to go months without seeing one.

Oh yeah, for the people that spends hours watching television or playing video games during down time, it also means they don't know what is going on outside in the truckstop.

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