is it true that i can't get a medical waiver for my insilin diabetes in ohio if my cdl was issued after 1988

by chris
(columbus, ohio)

i have diabetes 2 and have been taking a couple oral meds for several years. my doctor started me on insulin earlier in the spring and told me i would lose my cdl because of the insulin.

i learned about a medical waiver issued by the puco in Ohio. when i called to ask how to go about getting the waiver they asked how long i'd had my cdl.

when i told them 1992, they said i wasn't eligible for the waiver because i got them after 1988. now i don't know what to do. i drive a dump truck for a private company in and around central Ohio.

I've never passed out, or been dizzy or anything like that. does anyone have any information that can help me.

I've been driving for 20 years and wouldn't know what kind of job I'd be qualified for if i couldn't drive
Response: Not sure. I think he is wrong, but it seems he would know. On this page is a link to the government website that discusses it.

Find out for sure
qualify for CDL

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