Is it true what the recruiter said?

by Renee

Hello, New to trucking and I was talking to a company that I am interested in because I have a vacation coming up and wondered if there was a way they could work with me.

The Person that I spoke to said to go ahead and work as long as I can and then give a 2 weeks notice that way I'm rehireable and comeback to work when the vacation was over.

Do companies do this? I just want to make sure I don't mess anything up. Any info will help Thank you

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Jul 19, 2012
thank you
by: Renee

Thank you for the comments. It had given me a lot to think about. I will absolutely let you know how it turns out. :-)

Jul 19, 2012
Watch out
by: NickV

Hervy is right, don't think about getting that recruiter in trouble. Those guys are there to hire people and that's it.

They will tell you exactly what you want to hear cause that's their job. You need to get something in writing. If you want it to stick you gotta get it in ink.

Sometimes even a higher up will agree that its ok verbally but guess what, he is going to talk to another 250 drivers before his day is over and if you think he is going to remember your conversation your seriously mistaken.

If they have a problem with sending you something in writing then its gut check time and you need to decide whether that job means more to you or your vacation. Plain and simple.

Bottom line...don't trust anything that comes out of a recruiters mouth or its gonna be a long, long road

Jul 19, 2012
Call the company
by: Hervy

Anonymous is right Renae. It can go either way. Often a recruiter will say anything.

You are right too... You could and should call the company.

Don't worry about getting the recruiter trouble. If he/she really felt that was OK, there is no trouble. If he/she lied about it to get you in, he/she SHOULD get in trouble. (which I doubt will happen)

On the other hand, if you express to the company that you intend to come back to work for them at some future date, perhaps (because of your honesty and diligence) they will go for it.

They might even come up with a contract.

(Reality is not likely but you never know, quality people with a good attitude is hard to find. So a smart person should consider it and want you on their team whenever you are ready. See my point. In fact try arguing that point to get them to make a deal, lol)

So you have to figure out what is the best route for you and make sure you cover yourself.

Very smart for inquiring instead of assuming the info you were given was accurate.

Let us know what how it turns out.

Jul 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

Sounds like to me they will not hire you back, what is more important making money and getting experience. Or taking a vacation and coming back to no job.

A recruiter is not the boss they will tell you anything. Forget the vacation and work.

Jul 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

There is no way to predict what they will do it is all a chance? if they fill your spot when your gone then will you have a job when you get back no.

Do you expect them to hold a job for you I think they would of told you something like..... yes take your vacation and your job will be here when you get back.

If you want an opinion no job is secure unless they tell you it is. Have they told you it is secured?? according to your post it isn't. are taking a chance. plain and simple

Jul 17, 2012
by: Renee

Do you have any suggestions how I could go about finding the truth ?

I mean I know I guess I could call the company but don't want to ruin my chances if I get someone in trouble.

Jul 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

Its a 50/50 chance? The question should be..... will I still have a job when I get back and am I willing to lose this job.

Maybe they will hire you back and then again maybe they wont? Hence, the chance 50/50.

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