Is it worth it?

I am about to be a senior in high school and the life of a trucker seems so inviting to me. Is it worth it though in this day and age?

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Jul 02, 2013
Is becoming a trucker worth the time and investment NEW
by: Hervy

First of all, congrats for not just sitting around after high school doing nothing my friend. You are wise to seek info to make the best decision for yourself.

I will assume your first it (in the question) was becoming a trucker and your second it was time and investment. :-)

Depends on you and your situation.

Consider these questions....

1. What are your options?
2. What are your long term goals?
3. What are your desires for the future?

Consider these ifs

If you want to travel the country before you die
If you have no kids
If you want to good money real soon
If you like adventure
If you like driving
If you are a responsible person

If the answer to the ifs above describes you. I would say definitely trucking would be worth it if you can fit becoming a trucking into the answer of questions 1. 2. or 3.

As a smart young man or woman (I don't know which) asking such questions, you can becoming a driver now and that can simply be your stepping stone into something else or it can be a career.

I am assuming you are still at home. If you have no car or other bills. You can leave home and not create other bills and just drive for a few years to stack up your money and build your credit.

Take a portion of what you save in a few years, buy a property (real estate) while still driving. Learn what type of property and what to do with it while still driving. (before buying it of course) Learn another way to make money while still driving, with correspondence or online training. (or talking to someone who has experience investing in real estate)

In 3 years if you love driving you keep driving and build your wealth buy how you save and invest your money.

(Now, this doesn't have to be real estate, I just like real estate but there are other things that you could learn about and invest in or you might come up with other ideas during this time because it will be part of your plan to do so)

Or..... if you find that after a few years you are tired of the road you want to get more into the other stuff that you learned, maybe you learned to build websites while driving or create games, or applications or buy real estate.

So don't think that if you choose to drive that it is what you will be doing for life. That too is a choice.

As far as the money and time, if that is the ONLY question left then trucking is definitely worth it. If you hate idea of being away, living in the truck, etc etc etc then no it's not worth it.

If that didn't answer your question you will have to be more specific with your question.

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