is jb hunt a bad company to work for

by michael

i was wandering if the things i hear about jb hunt are true like- they tell u ur guaranteed miles and to make what they say u would make a week?

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Nov 15, 2014
don't work for job hunt NEW
by: Anonymous

Job hunt don't pay like they say I didn't get paid for two weeks of work.

Sep 01, 2010
It depends
by: Hervy

Michael I think people experience with JB Hunt depends on where you live, the dispatcher you end up with and the relationship you develop with him or her.

I have heard good and bad.

I talked to one guy who said his miles was under what they promised every week for months. He then changed his address and his home state. (he moved)
This changed his dispatcher. He got the miles they had promised and more. Now he loves it.

I think they tell drivers as most companies do the best case scenario if everything works out perfectly. Things rarely work out perfectly all the time.

So believe half of what you hear and take the rest with a grain of salt.

But when you deal with the company, do let it affect your attitude dealing with them. They are innocent until they mistreat you.

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