Is Millis Transfer a good trucking company? Do they do hair testing?

by Anthony

I am a former government contractor working overseas. I'm now home and decided to find a new career before the contracting wears my body out. My question is does Millis Transfer do hair tests.

A doctor in Kuwait had me on a narcotic for tennis elbow and I stopped taking them when I came home and was put on Celebrex (A great NSAID).

It's a catch 22, wait 3-6 months for a drug that was prescribed to leave my system and let my family starve, or find a company that does not do hair tests.

Millis looks awesome. Anyone know about these guys. Any info about this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Jun 13, 2022
Two things you need to understand NEW
by: Joey

Two things you need to understand:

1.) If you had a prescription for a drug, it’s no longer an "illegal drug". For a D.O.T. proscribed drug, as opiates are, you’d just need to show it’s no longer being prescribed and that you’re no longer taking it. Just get a note from your doctor.

2.) Hair follicle testing only goes back 90 days.

Aug 13, 2019
Idiot baby boomers NEW
by: Pssssst....over here.

Gotta love the dimwits that flood the interwebs with their bs because they’re so pissed they can’t smoke and resort to whiskey and cocaine.

So as of this day, Millis only does UA. And honestly with the short training period they’re a good fit for someone who doesn’t want to play "team" for 14 weeks doubling the profit for a mega carrier.

Jul 29, 2019
Very poor training NEW
by: Anonymous

Millis transfer first thing school does is take 1 for seat in class then 400 once u get there in cash no other way well then it starts you get cussed and talked to like a dog now this is one particular school of theres you don't get proper training at all from school then u get on a truck to do all the work for that guy and you make hardle anything thay tell you any problems contact them and thall help but in stead you get in trouble to piont were your affarid tp talk to anyone !!!!!!

Jul 05, 2018
????? NEW
by: Anonymous

So do they do a hair test or not?

Feb 02, 2017
Millis Transfer hair follicle test???? NEW
by: Anonymous

I to would like to know if they do a hair follicle test all I need is a yes or no answer not a lecture please and thank you

Oct 11, 2016
ddd NEW
by: Anonymous

didnt answer the question.

Dec 01, 2012
wouldn't let my dog work for them!
by: Anonymous

Yeah..Millis "looks great"..but they don't care about their drivers! Had a bad experience with them, A/C went out in the truck, in 106* heat in told to keep on trucking!! Had heat exhaustion real bad,was getting sick in the truck, but kept goin...

They also said take the rig which was a POS, 250 miles out of route, to get it worked on. Sick and out of hours,went to a motel to get a shower and A/C and turned the keys in 2 days later.

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