Is Prime, Inc. a good trucking company to get trained by and work for?

by Larry
(Cleveland, OHIO)

I am looking at getting into the trucking industry, with company sponsored CDL training, Prime, Inc. has accepted my application, and when I am done wrapping up some things here at home, I will call them to get my orientation date.

But I would like some experienced truckers to share what they know about Prime, Inc. because I have only 2 trucker friends, and all I know about them is what I have read on their website and one other trucking website.

Any advice or information would be appreciated

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Aug 23, 2014
How long did it take Prime to contact you about your application being accepted NEW
by: Anonymous

Larry, how long did it take Prime to get back in contact with once you completed your application and got it back to them? I'm curious because I contacted the recruiter two weeks ago today and I've tried e-mailing her a couple of times and no response except to say that she had received my application.

Best Regards,

Aug 23, 2014
How long did it take Prime to contact you about your application being accepted NEW
by: Anonymous

Larry, how long did it take Prime to get back in contact with once you completed your application and got it back to them? I'm curious because I contacted the recruiter two weeks ago today and I've tried e-mailing her a couple of times and no response except to say that she had received my application.

Best Regards,

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