is swift transportation a good place to work

by Richard McWhirter

Is swift transport a good place to work ?

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Feb 07, 2018
2Way Respect NEW
by: Anonymous

From comments I am reading on this site, going for a trunk driver career is one major risk.
Companies treating drivers like dirt. Jimmy's remarks are crap. Respect is a two way street.

May 10, 2010
Personal Experience with Swift
by: Kim

The dispatcher's could not find a companies location, yet I was able to find them and get the cell phone number to the company contact. I did this on two separate occasions.

Then was promoted to a dedicated route and FIRED in the same day. I stood in line with at least 18 other people to get fired. Turns out I was fired for getting stuck in the mud at a location that only had one way in and one way out...a dirt road after four days of steady rain.

Took almost a year to find another company to hire after the TERMINATION!

I would never recommend Swift to anyone that is looking for job security and a company that cares about it's drivers.

Mar 24, 2010
good to work for ?
by: Ali Gat

Yes , they are , if you want to be a company driver . Don't beleive the hype you hear about if you want to sit around and starve while waiting for a load . The companies that swift hauls for are like everywhere else . The seasons are just beginning again and freight is on the move again because of the picking up in the economy . Whoever says that is not true is a phony or a trucker with a grudge and has not been driving very long . Otherwise he would watch what goes on each season . Sometimes there are a lot of loads and sometimes there isn't . Depends on the place needing something hauled . Not where to or why .

Feb 26, 2010
Swift trucking
by: Aligat 1

They have a rule that makes sense . Don't be late for Any reason to their Orientation classes , or , you won't be there for any thing else . they will not let you continue any further . If your late for class , you will be late for a pick-up or a drop off . They won't tolerate that .

Feb 05, 2010
It depends what you want out of a company
by: Robin

My husband has been driving for Swift for ...6 months, now. This is the 1st company he's ever driven for. They give good training, and it's on-going - log classes, safety classes, etc. They're strict about compliance. They are self-insured, so they have 0 tolerance for accidents or people who do not obey regulations. They're HUGE - the largest ground transport operation in the country - they have 120,000 trucks on the road. If you have a good DM they will be good to you. They make sure he doesn't stay on the road more than what he wants, but he has a say. They ALWAYS make sure he gets the home time he deserves, which is more than I can say for some others. Pay is not spectacular starting out, but if you're on time w/loads and do what you're supposed to do, you'll get raises and it'll get better. There has only been twice that he has sat for 24 hrs. without freight - it can be frustrating, but they have "levels"....bronze, silver, gold, platinum, based on performance reviews by the Driver manager, and he's platinum, that means he's higher preference for freight, on the list than some guys who are lower...I think he's #44 in his region, which means he gets freight before he's done dropping off the load he has. You have to be independent for this company - there are times when you are "on your own", but they are very supportive when you need something.
I hope this helps!

Feb 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

yeah if you want to livr on raman noodles and be broke all the time from sitting. Couse youwill not put many miles on the truck

Feb 04, 2010
Tell him about Swift.
by: Jimmy

Anyplace is a good place to work, IF, YOU, put something into it. If you have an attitude such as, what's in for me?, you might as well crawl under a rock, because, I wouldn't hire you. I want a person that has enthusism and tells me he is going to be the best damn worker I have ever seen, wants to learn about my business and contribute 100%. That's the way I was brought up. Todays generation seems to only be interested in pay/benefits. Jimmy

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