Is there a busiest. time of year for flat bed freight?

I want to know if there is a time of the year that a flat bed trucker is the busiest compared to other times of the year? And just HOW busy are we talking here if there is a busiest time?

The flat bed hauls heavy equipment by the way (i'm floored by the size of the machines that are hauled on the flatbeds!). Is there a lot of on the road out state time that is involved with hauling heavy machinery?

And how physically demanding is this particular type or trucking? How much of a toll does it take on a person?

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May 21, 2012
flatbed life
by: Anonymous l.t.

Well i will tell you when they are not to busy that is from late oct to Feb, Other times they are busy all the time.

My husband leased a truck from CRST Malone and did very well for himself until it slowed down then he lost his truck.

Flatbeding is a hard job you have to strap it all down and if tarps are needed well you have to tarp it. I rode with him and its tough and if you're married and your wife is not with you expect to stay out months at a time and that in it self can take a toll on your life at home.

I can only say its a good life if you can make it work through the tough off season. If you can't pay for your truck well you lose it and that's what happened to us.

Truck payments 900.00 a week yes a week that's at least 2 loads just for payments and then you make the rest if your dispatcher can find a good load without too much deadhead miles...

I do hope this helped. Good luck and just remember any trucking job takes its tolls on you.

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