Is there a trucking job after a dui?

by james
(Haltom City Tx)

I was in a personal car and got pulled over. I lost my cdl for one year. I got them back Mon. Is there any hope at all for me here in Ft Worth Tx?

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Feb 13, 2011
Trucking after a DUI
by: Hervy

You'll have to keep at it James. If you have other positive things going on for you that stands out it will help. Like years of driving with no violations until the DUI.

If you have no background to mention and only that year old DUI, you may have to do a lot of calling and filling out applications but someone will probably give you a chance to drive again.

Only one way to find out your fate my friend, that is to keep at it.

Good luck, let us know when your on the road and who gave you the 2nd chance.

Thanks, later

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