Is there any trucking companies that will hire you with a not so steady work history?

by Bryan
(Athens, Ga, USA)

Most companies out here ask for a steady work history up to 3-5 years. So Im asking, is there anyway to get around that? Is there any companies out here that would hire with out a steady work history?

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Oct 03, 2012
Help please!!!!! NEW
by: reddogg

how long after someone tested positive should that cmpany and/or drug testing center send u paper work to your home with all readings and results? I have not recieved any paper work or info on test in 14 days and all i'm getting is the run around? any kind of info would be really helpfull. Thank you....

Jan 25, 2010
positive pre-employment drug test
by: dan

In may of 2008 i tested positive for a pre-employment drug screen for a trucking company. I went through the SAP program,it has been 1year and 9 months since i tested positive.I would like to know where i can find a trucking company that would consider me for hire.My MVR is clean and i have all my endorsements.Except for my passengers.can you help me out

Jan 24, 2010
We might be on to something.
by: Jimmy

OK, his biz closed, so present that as an ex-job. You tell prospective employers you didn't save your stubs, and don't volunteer the info that you got paid under the table. Your Moms phone number is a good idea. They could ask for tax returns in which case you would be screwed. Jimmy

Jan 23, 2010
by: Bryan

Yes I am coming into the industry. I worked for my step dad who a year ago had a major stroke. I worked for him about 3 1/2 years until the business closed due to his illness. The thing about that is I got paid cash and most companies called that paid under the table and cant accept that. I applied for some more companies and put his work information down but instead of putting his number down I put my moms number down. Maybe that would work. Thanks for the advice though. Im 24 almost 25 yrs old

Jan 23, 2010
by: Bryan

Yes I am coming into the industry. I worked for my step dad who a year ago had a major stroke. I worked for him about 3 1/2 years until the business closed due to his illness. The thing about that is I got paid cash and most companies called that paid under the table and cant accept that. I applied for some more companies and put his work information down but instead of putting his number down I put my moms number down. Maybe that would work. Thanks for the advice though

Jan 23, 2010
Bryan marches on.
by: Jimmy

OK, Pardner, lets figure something out. You're coming into the industry, right? Just what is your job history? Is it a bunch of jobs? Or gaps inbetween jobs? or firings? What is your age? They require a 10 year history, but, only verify back 3 years. Can you fudge in any way on verification? Do you have an Uncle Fred that owns a business that could stand up for you? Anything creative you can come up with? Were you attending college or trade school at some point? Self employed doing auto repairs/yard work/pool maintainence? Come on now, think. Jimmy

Jan 23, 2010
Reply to Jimmy's answer
by: Bryan

Im someone coming into the industry. There's a few companies that wont prehire me cause of my work history. Im looking to get into school or with a company school to obtain my CDL. Those companies that do bend a little is hard to find. I've looked just about everywhere an cant seem to find one.

Jan 23, 2010
Bryan job hops.
by: Jimmy

Hey Bryan, are you currently a truck driver or someone coming into the industry? If new, then most companies will bend a little in regards to past job history. If not, then as you know, it's tough with a sporadic history. Jimmy

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