Is this avoidable or unavoidale accident

by steve

rollerover avoiding a collision because car pulls out in front of you.....avoidable? or unavoidable?

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Dec 14, 2015
by: mike owens

you would think it would be unavoidable. however by law it may be viewed as avoidable. the reasoning is any ones guess. a car comes out and cuts you off, is not always predictable. just like a deer coming out is not predictable. your not trained as a professional driver "NOT" to steer clear of a deer.

Only to brake as safely as possible, staying the course and try to do as little damage as possible and possibly avoiding the deer all together.

All unpredictable should be treated the same. sound your horn, brake as safely as possible and stay the course.

Dec 10, 2015
its like a game of Chess...
by: Anonymous

...only YOU call all the moves.

You should always know what the other guy is gonna do before he does it...

...and ALWAYS expect the WORST!!

that being said it means you are always on the defense and you should always slow down and anticipate that something bad is going to happen...

Dec 10, 2015
they will say it was avoidable
by: Anonymous

avoidable because you the PROFESSIONAL must anticipate actions of others.

things you could have done were to slow down, change lanes, most importantly anticipate and slow down.

if you have spent any time behind the wheel you know how 4 Wheelers act especially towards big rigs. they will cut you off pass dangerouslyand so on.

some of the things I have seen them do mostly illegal on the roads to get around or in front if a truck is scary.

you must be the polite professional and anticipate rude and often times dangerous behavior from 4 Wheelers.

they do not understand how trucks work or maneuver and could care less.

sorry to hear about your misfortune and wish you luck.

Dec 10, 2015
No possible way for me to tell...
by: Anonymous

...without having been there, behind the wheel.

I've got almost 40 years driving experience w/o any accidents, so I would have had to have been there...

.. what I would really like to have seen is what transpired PRIOR to the accident.

That's my safety zone that always saves me...

That... and a WICKED Guardian Angel (or two)

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