Is this deal worth it?

by Robert M.
(Jacksonville FL)

I want to get my CDL A and was approached by PAM. I would have to drive from FL to Indianapolis to get trained and pay for my travel and food. I figure about 1600.00 worth of expenses if my car will make it.

They would also deduct 45.00/wk from my check to pay for 2000.00 of the training and its a 12 month contract. They are paying .175 cents per mile for each member of the team and expecting 4500 miles per week. My problem is that I really don't want to get stuck with another driver whom I can't trust.

What if they break the rules or have a drug habit or worse. Is this type of team driving even a good option? I know I can handle myself but I don't want to play babysitter or live in fear for my life.

I have no money and am desperate for a job. My wife is okay with the idea and we have discussed it in detail.

The local school is 6500.00 and they claim to have 19 companies wanting drivers right now, but if for some reason I don't get a job I can't pay them back.

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May 12, 2014
by: Robert M.

I had no idea FSCJ offered a program. It would only be a little more expensive than travelling to get training from PAM. I will look into it.

May 11, 2014
Most trucking companies have paid training
by: Anonymous

Most truck companies have paid training, paid transportation, heck most even pay for at least two meals a day!

May 10, 2014
It can be......
by: Hervy

If everything goes well Robert, this deal could be worth it.

However, you do have other options. (maybe)

You didn't mention anything about the truck driving course at Florida State College at Jacksonville. There course is 8 weeks for $2,358. New program starts every 4 weeks.

This seems to be your best option if you can come up with the money for the course. Your local workforce might be have a program that will pay for your training.

Here is a link to their program
Florida State College CDL program

As far as PAM. Some drivers like it others don't. Twelve month commitment is reasonable for them training you for no money out of pocket. However, if you are not sure that you will make it there, is not a good thing.

Might be better to leave early and take a train or bus if you go.

As far as team driving, see if they have a protocol for changing team driver. Also ask if you can request certain things like no smoker, no pet.

Do you have to do team driving? If not, why don't you go solo?

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