is this the truth

was rear ended im in a class b truck no damage car needed to be towed away boss said call hwp.

He filled out no paperwork boss also said if any car needed to be towed away that i had to take a drug test the onsite.

Test came back inconclusive but concerned bout the Nida test waiting on phone call is my boss being honest or trying to pull a fast one?

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Mar 18, 2013
by: NickV

You probably signed some paperwork when you were hired that stated he was allowed to give you drug tests. If you were not informed of this then it may be illegal but surely if you had to take a test to get hired on then they would test you in case of an accident. It's the same a someone getting hurt on the job.That is mostly to cover his butt in court in case of a lawsuit but also to make sure your not breaking any rules that can get him in deep trouble down the road.

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