Is three weeks long enough to pass a drug sceen?

by William
(Terre Haute, IN U.S.)

Got help and just want to get my life back in order. Really would like to drive a truck so I can take care of my family instead of them taking care of me.

It's been three weeks since I smoked pot and want to know what kind of drug screen will I have to take? To make sure I'm completely clean.

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Jun 05, 2011
Is three weeks long enough to pass a drug sceen?
by: Anonymous

goto a clinical lab like concentra. for 60 dollars or so you can get your own dot physical, you are your own employer its not a pre employment drug test but a personally paid dot physical plus urine. do not release those records to anyone so if they are bad, you will just wait longer and try again,

but unless you know that you pass clean, dont apply tpo any company.

Jun 03, 2011
Clean it up
by: NickV

Cant tell you. Some companies do uranalysis, some do hair which is 90 days back. Best thing to do is go buy one at your local drug store cause if you fail a d.o.t. drug test your odds are pretty much slim and none in getting a job. Driving these trucks is no laughing matter and they make sure your clean. If you cant take getting clean seriously then why would you think someone would hand you the keys to their company vehicle? Also depends on how much you smoke. If you were at it every day its gonna take you longer to clean up then say maybe someone who just did it for kicks on the weekend or whatever. Honest opionion, if your serious about being a truck driver either buy the test and make sure your clean or just wait 3 months and give it a shot. This isnt your normal 9 to 5 job where you can drink some shake and hide it. Look at the driver that flipped that bus recently, dude was at work and now hes gonna sit in prison for the rest of his life. 4 counts of murder on his hands. You accidently tap someone in a truck your getting tested, dot picks you at a weigh station you can get tested. Long story short you can be tested at anytime, anywhere, so if you wanna drive you gotta be clean.

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