is trucking right for me

by casey b. medley
(panama city, fl usa)

i am 31 yrs old not married no girlfriend no kids love to travel not happy to live paycheck to paycheck. i thought i could do this while i am young and not married and have no children

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Oct 26, 2008
Trucking is for you
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hey Cassey,

Man it sounds like trucking was waiting for you.

I mean as for as your, no kids, no woman . . .

Why not travel and get paid.

Read through the site so you handle it the right way and you will only be paycheck to paycheck because you are saving the rest for a power move.

Good luck,
keep us posted


Oct 24, 2008
Trucking can be right for anyone
by: Julie

Hi there casey, trucking can be made right for anyone, it just all depends how you approach it. I am not sure if you have prior experience in driving a truck or not. There are many choices out there as far as what compaines offer. You need to keep in mind when talking to different companies to ask about thier pay and there benefits packages and what those will cost you. I dont know how often you would like to be home either, so make sure you can be offered the run and hometime that you want. As far as you not having a girlfreind or kids......well I am sure one day you will and you can still pursue trucking then also. You just have to be supporting to her to. Let her know what you do.....just simply talk about it. I dont know what else to really offer you about trucking. My husband has been doing it for like 16 years or so and he loves it. You just have to do what makes you happy as far as pay and your run. So keep your options open and call around. There is always room on the open highway for another good trucker and I am sure if you decide to pursue this you will do good and be quite happy. I would love to hear what you decide and how things are going with you if you decide to get into trucking, so please come back and let us know how things are going with you.

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