Is Us express a good company to drive for?

by John Johnson

Looking to see if this a company to drive for.

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Sep 15, 2016
Big No NEW
by: Paycheck

I worked Kroger account Debra Shaw is the account Manager she mistreats drivers has them run illegal trucks asked to iunsafe loads loads very poor management they want you to run when the roads are shut down I want to run in blizzards and you will get no help from corporate level

Sep 03, 2014
Hell no NEW
by: Anonymous

Us express will tarnish your dac report and they do not look out for drivers. Go and drive for them if you want to.. They make it hard after you have left their company. They also work you like crazy but the money doesn't add up.

Jan 11, 2013
Us Xpress NEW
by: Anonymous

IMO, it depends on what you want, for just starting out sure it's ok.

Pros- I have a good fleet manager, good miles (2800-3200 a week) break down is really good about getting you back on the road. if you don't like your fleet manager you can switch tell you do get one that you like. Home time is up to you. Willing to work with you when it comes to court dates had two they got me home early.

Cons- some really pushy FM's. equipment (trailers) find a lot that have to be shopped. Break down pay kicks in once you have been sitting for 24hr, for new drivers there is a 8week mandatory teaming at $0.32 split. A sliding pay scale that starts at $0.25pm for the long runs 900+ and <300 is $0.32pm
It has been ok for me, I'm a new driver, I have put my time in and it is time to make more money at a place that will pay me more...

Nov 21, 2012
US Express NEW
by: Hervy

John, you will get a wide variety of answers. I have talked to many drivers who like US Express and only a few who didn't.

That being said, go to your nearest truck stop and talk to US Express drivers. Hopefully you will run into a few who stay near you.

Here is a page about what you might want to consider when choosing a trucking company based on your needs.

The key points being depending on your needs.

What happens is if two people place their highest value on different things.


For driver 1, his priority of needs is higher pay.

For driver 2, his priority of needs is benefits.

If driver 2 goes to a company that has high pay but no benefits, he/she is going to be unhappy.

If driver 1 goes to a company with all types of family benefits but doesn't pay as well as company that driver 2 works for, he/she will be unhappy.

Supposed driver 1 drives for a company which has a terminal 10 miles away.

Driver 2 drives for a company with a terminal 200 miles away.

Driver 2 will have even more to be unhappy about because he is likely to spend less time at home with his/her family on top of there not being the benefits that he/she feels is important for them.

So that's a quick example of what you will learn here How to choose a trucking company based on your needs.

You are off to a great career because you are asking questions to try and make the best move.

Remember, you will likely not find the perfect situation in the first year but it does get a LOT better after 1 year with a clean record.

Thanks for coming by.

Nov 19, 2012
usx NEW
by: Anonymous

hell no they suck. and they have elogs.

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