Is us xpress a good company for me and my wife to start off at after school as a team?

by Bradly T
(Booneville, MS)

I was just wondering, me and my wife are fixing to go through CDL training school and I have been researching us xpress and it seems like a decent company.

I know starting out none of them are going to be that great but they're the best I have found through my research.

All help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Jan 28, 2023
US Xpress as a starter trucking company
by: The Crazy Trucker

US Xpress is a great company for most folks to start off at. Most people I have talked to seems to enjoy the experience.

I remember talking to one guy who complained about short miles. 150 and 200 miles several times a week.

But until that week he had been running fine. That's no big deal.

Go for it and let us know how it turns out.

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