Is Wener Enterprises a good company to work for?

by Dan Shepard
(Phoenix, AZ)

I am getting ready to graduate driving school and considering Werner as my first company to work for. Looking for any information on the company or past experience from drivers who work for or have worked for Werner.
Thank you for your help.

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Feb 15, 2011
Working for Werner
by: Anonymous

Werner is a good company if you just gettig out of truck driving school,they get paid by the government to help students get time in behind the wheel, once that stops after I think about six months, they want you out of the company so don't plan on it being a career place, the pay is very low, and even if you decided to stay with them, they will find a reason to get rid of you after about 2 years.

If your lucky to make it that long.

I know my husband went to them after he got out of school, with plans to stay with them for his career, and they ousted him for bs reasons.

So good luck to you and stay safe out there.

Sep 21, 2010
by: american trucker

I drove for Werner 10yrs they were good to me. I have heard of some changes going on since the kids are running the show now.
Good luck to you.

Remember no matter what company is if they treat u good then its a good company.

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