is werner a good or bad company to work for?

by Eric

the recruiter at the school i am going to says i should drive for them but I have heard lots of bad stuff about them

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Dec 15, 2010
my opinion
by: Anonymous

U cant really ask anyone that question U can listen to all the bad stuff but not tomany people tell the good stuff. Just remember its easy to hear bad stuff but good stuff they forget. Everyone has there opinion and a job can b good or bad it depends on the driver and there attitude.

Jul 31, 2010
Werner Specialized Carrier......
by: Jimmy

Well. that's like asking if Eric from Ky. is a nice guy. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, right? So much depends on what you make of it. Compare 2 guys who join the Army on the same day. One gets assigned to a war zone and the other gets a desk job in the states. So the guy who has to go to combat makes the best of it. My point being, make the best of whatever comes your way. Jimmy

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