Is West Coast Heavy Haul Better Money


Someone I know has just very suddenly and abruptly sold his house on the East Coast because he is moving to the WEST COAST because he says there is more money to be made on the west coast then the east coast.

He is a Heavy Haul truck driver. He is a work aholic. He is a very hard working and great guy.

Is he correct, or is he going to find that it's not what he thinks it is? A week or two ago he wasn't sure yet where he would be living.

Not sure of his status at the moment and don't know if his house is officially sold , it was under contract.

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Jan 13, 2014
Doing Heavy Haul NEW
by: Hervy

He is right that there is more money doing heavy haul than many other trucking jobs.

As far as moving West to do it, I wonder if he already knows a specific company that he will drive for. Maybe he is targeting a specific industry specific to west of the Mississippi rather that east of it.

I say that because there is plenty of heavy haul opportunities out of the east coast as well. I didn't require him to sell the house and move like that.

Maybe he just wanted a change.

Here is an example of heavy haul opportunities in and around NJ. NJ Heavy Hauling Truck Driver Jobs

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