Its a marraige saver!!

by Nancy
(St. Augustine, Florida)

My husband helping another trucker get unstuck from the middle of A1A in Florida.

My husband helping another trucker get unstuck from the middle of A1A in Florida.

Unlike most women, I think his being over the road has saved our marriage. He's been doing this for nearly a decade now. Last year we moved for MY job, thinking he could work almost anywhere. Not true. In the extreme northeast, where it snows 9 months of the year, regional carriers run the roost. Most nation-wide carriers won't touch those areas. In this economy, no one gives up a regional job... so you can't get on with a regional carrier unless someone dies. No one died, and my husband was out of work for the better part of a year. In other words, he was up my butt and under my feet all dang day long. Drove me NUTS! He makes better money as a trucker, then I did as a newspaper editor, so we moved where he had a job waiting and its been a blessing. Don't get me wrong, I miss him terribly. And me giving up my job has made our finances tight. But I appreciate what my husband does for our family and I know how hard it is being away from home so much. The fact that we miss each other so much, has strengthened our marriage. We show more love when we are together, our conversations are more meaningful. That being said, my two favorite days are the days he comes home, and the days he leaves... everything in the middle is a struggle, but we make it work.

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Dec 24, 2009
Arrow shut down
by: Anonymous

OMG, that's horrible! I signed up on the Facebook page to offer help if we can.

Encourage any others on the road this Christmas to help drivers to get home to their families!

Dec 23, 2009
Arrow Trucking closes.
by: Jimmy

Arrow trucking, Tulsa, Ok. closed their doors 12/22/09. See The and The truckers Drivers stranded all over the country with fuel cards shut off. Jimmy

Dec 23, 2009
Arrow Trucking
by: Anonymous

Has anyone heard the awful news about Arrow Trucking??? Shutting their doors and leaving their drivers out in the cold?? My husband heard it on the trucking station on satellite radio and I just wanted to verify before I said anything??

Dec 23, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your thoughts. Funny that your husband is always in the southeast (where we live) and mine is always everywhere else, lol.

Dec 22, 2009
You put this so good....
by: Robin

I really like the way you said this made me see things a little differently. You seem so "relaxed" and easy-going. It is very true, what you say....about the time you have together. It's so much more defined as "family time" because of the amount of time he's away.

My husband has only been averaging about 3 days a month home....he stays out 18-21 days a pop, and it seems like FOREVER. In those last few days when he's trying to get home it seems like it's a rat race and hard...he gets really tense.

He drives all 48, but he's been mostly east/southeast...we live in when I say east...I mean anything east of Milwaukee and Missouri...I'd say mostly West Virginia, Indiana, Kansas, Tennessee, Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania have been his main stops, although he's also stopped in Ohio and Texas a couple of times.

I'm glad you've found such a beautiful way to make this your life...we're still trying. My husband's only been driving since August and it's been the finances and the struggle...sick of it already.

We have to learn how to figure it out! I appreciate your attitude and your was very enlightening!! Thanks, Robin

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