It's a reality check for me about how the economy is effecting trucking

by Hervy
(yep buddy, at the house NC)

Dark skies overhead doesnt might there isnt sunshine in the picture

Dark skies overhead doesnt might there isnt sunshine in the picture

Schneider stops hiring new drivers, experienced drivers only

I still feel though, that trucking is a great career. However the companies who would hire new drivers with and also had decent jobs, probably won't be hiring as many inexperienced drivers.

I personally think that new drivers will still be able to find a job, well at least the ones with good records.

(criminal and driving)

Obviously trucking is suffering like every other industry.

However, I do expect the economy to be picking up by the end of the year. What good is that to people who need to make a full weeks check guaranteed. The reality is
all last week I talked to a lot of drivers at a lot of companies and the guys were saying that they just weren't getting the miles they had been used to.

So fellas and ladies, I say again, focus on saving on the road as much as you can, and I say again it makes since to do what you can to stay healthy as well cause that definitely will effect the money in your pocket.

Stop eating that junk at the truck stop and go buy some fruit, beans and tuna, its cheaper and healthier.

You might want to do something about throwing away $20 week on cigarettes its killing your pocket and your lungs what better time to quit.

New guys thinking about coming in but needing a certain amount of money guaranteed every week to pay the bills. Make sure you ask the people at the company if they have the freight in today's economy to keep you moving enough to get the miles that they advertise.

No one needs false promises or surprises when it comes to slack paychecks.

Good luck and stay positive, make the phone calls you need to make to check things out.

This thing will blow over.

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