It's rough as a trucker wife

by pauline walden
(independence. mo)

A lot of adultry..blaming me cause he is flies.....likes girls and lets me know its ..normal..found rubbers several and dating sites.....yet completly denies i a fool....

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Aug 07, 2015
Good post NEW
by: Josianne Nicolas

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May 22, 2015
Been in your shoes NEW
by: Been there

Yes dear - you are a fool - unless he has an epiphany or something major happens - he will not change! You can't blame him 100% tho - you are ALLOWING him to treat you this way by sticking around. The best prediction of future behavior is past behavior - some can change, but only AFTER they admit and recognize the problem. You know why he accuses you of cheating... Because he is doing it! You are too pretty to put ip with this crap - get out while you can! I went through it for 13 years - now I may be struggling - but I don't have to worry about catching an STD from his last lot lizard hookup or wonder what I'm gonna get accused of when he comes off the road.
Loving life and learning to love myself again ❤️

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