Its very hard and depressing as a trucker's wife but.....

by Ashley

I've dated this guy for almost a year now. He is sweet and caring. We are suppose to get married soon. I am a mother of a 3 yr old daughter. He's not her dad but he will make a great stepdad.

I haven't seen him in 3 months now because he's been so busy with work and helping his dad and whatever else. I hope i can trust him to have not lied about being so busy.

He says he wants kids and still get married soon. Anyway he has been a truck driver for about a yr now and is very hard because he's gone all the time. And i worry about his well being.

I worry if he's cheated. I worry if him being gone makes him just want to be single. I wonder when i'll see him. I wonder if my lil girl will get to see him and how she will adjust to him being gone a lot and them not really spending time together.

Its hard being alone. Its hard being in a relationship and feeling as if your just a single mom. Its hard seeing couples out together and there you are ALONE.

But i understand this he enjoys and i try to be strong. I do love him. I wouldn't want nobody else. I do expect him to call every night when he gets a hotel and talk for a little bit. I am faithful to him and i expect him to be as well to me.

Its very hard and doesnt help when people say truck drivers are nobody to even try to have a relationship with because you can make it work if you truly love and commit to each other.

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May 24, 2014
make it work NEW
by: Balliet

Hello, my husband has been driving for a little over a year now. In the start it was very hard. I have two boys from a previous marriage, but unless you knew us before we were together you would not know the boys weren't his they are very close. Kids can adjust to almost anything put in their paths. They can talk to him on the phone every night tell the step dad about their day and maybe set a goal to accomplish the next day. Depending the age they can draw pictures and write letters put them in a envelop to give to step dad when he gets home to take on the road with him and open. Even though he is not physically there he can be emotionally and financially. When he comes home have quality time. I have to admit my husband and I are more emotionally connected now that he is gone. If you are worried about the cheating don't accuse but talk about it. I worried about that factor sometimes and I tell my husband my worries and talking about it with him makes them all go away. Also create a life for you and your child don't sit around waiting all the time, that even with a local husband can drive one crazy. This will also give you more to talk about when u get you talk. I wish you the best of luck. If two people want it bad enough anything is possible

May 24, 2014
make it work NEW
by: Balliet

Hello, my husband has been driving for a little over a year now. In the start it was very hard. I have two boys from a previous marriage, but unless you knew us before we were together you would not know the boys weren't his they are very close. Kids can adjust to almost anything put in their paths. They can talk to him on the phone every night tell the step dad about their day and maybe set a goal to accomplish the next day. Depending the age they can draw pictures and write letters put them in a envelop to give to step dad when he gets home to take on the road with him and open. Even though he is not physically there he can be emotionally and financially. When he comes home have quality time. I have to admit my husband and I are more emotionally connected now that he is gone. If you are worried about the cheating don't accuse but talk about it. I worried about that factor sometimes and I tell my husband my worries and talking about it with him makes them all go away. Also create a life for you and your child don't sit around waiting all the time, that even with a local husband can drive one crazy. This will also give you more to talk about when u get you talk. I wish you the best of luck. If two people want it bad enough anything is possible

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