Ive been driving sence 1991 i had my first wreck last july, laid one on its side, my fault, are there any companys that would still hire me , i havent been able to find any work sense?

by mark shaw
(russellville ar)

I had a wreck 9 months ago and still cant find any company that will hire me , it was a dot reportable accident my fault, now ive got a good work history, does any one know a good company that would hire me, thanks.....mark.

Comments for Ive been driving sence 1991 i had my first wreck last july, laid one on its side, my fault, are there any companys that would still hire me , i havent been able to find any work sense?

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May 29, 2011
on thee side
by: TruckerYitz

that seems like one of those insurance things that the big companies run away from. like you were a evil, no good, property destroying, lack of responsibly. but 2 minutes before the accident, you were tops on the dispatchers list for the most reliable.

now i am not putting the rollover as nothing serious, as a matter of fact besides loss of freight, property and the expense of righting it back up( very expensive... every vehicle and personnel involve to the scene gets paid....mostly for watching the pro's do their job)

Truth be told, loss of life possibilities is the big worry. you would think that you are now better qualified to avoid and / or handle the seconds before the rollover with much more understanding of what not to do. the best knowledge comes from experience. hands on experience is what a real training should be.

so in reality the accident, ( and that's what it was , unless you did it on purpose, ) should fall back to the trucking industry for not fully training you on a skid pad with poor traction and poorly balanced loads.

good luck on your search.

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