I've had 3 preventable accidents in 12 months. am I still employable?

by jonathan
(Dallas, Texas)

I've had 3 preventable accidents in 12 months. Am I employable as a driver?

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Feb 21, 2012
Can you get a trucking job with 3 preventables in 1 year NEW
by: Hervy


The first thing that I would ask if I were an employer was how long ago did this take place.

If this just happened. You are pretty much screwed man.

If this happened years ago and you have been driving around since then without getting involved in a wreck, maybe you are not a walking target for disaster. Just joking.

The thing you didn't state was whether you were in a big truck or not. If you were in a truck and this recently happened.

You may have to shift careers. Like Doug said look at other aspects of trucking if the trucking environment is where you want to remain.

Freight broker training, dispatching, logistics.
Check your local community college for courses if that interests you plus visit freight broker training

Best of luck, keep your head up.

Feb 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

I don't know ANY company that will hire you as a driver with three preventable s in a single year. I'd have a hard time hiring you for any position if you had three preventables in five years.

I'd say you need to find a different profession.

Don't shoot the messenger here but somebody needs to tell you the brutal truth.

Perhaps you could broker loads for a trucking company or work as a dispatcher?

Just some suggestions.

Doug Shields

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