j & s transport

by Lori jane
(tazewell, virginia)

Ill give it an 8. The boss knows you personally, and as long as you don't lie about being a felon, she's ok with it. Its a smaller company, (36 trucks, kenworth) and she will let you run as much as possible, up to the limit..

Must have two years experience for tractor trailer, and have class a CDL, she also has straight trucks, need a class b for those. THESE ARE FLAT BEDS, JUST LETTING YOU KNOW.

If you need a job, and seriously want to work, and don't steal, lol Call 276 988 7593, ask for Terry. She's our dispatcher. Sharon is the owner.

Comments for j & s transport

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Mar 27, 2015
I though it was a good company
by: Lorie

Although I Do Not Work For Her Anymore, I Would Still Recommend HeR To Someone. She Will Let You Make money And I GuessThe Trucks Do Break Down, But She Fixes Them, And Makes Sure You Are Safe. She Is Tough But She Has To Be.

I Thought It Was A Good Company And She Didn't Treat Us Like Numbers.. She Knew Our Names, And Paid Us Pretty Good. She Pays The Insurance, Too. Its A Good, Solid, Family Company

Mar 27, 2015
Truthful review of J&S Transport
by: Tex r kanna35

The thing about any company is u have to actually either work for them or know someone who does personally. I've known of J&S since it was started, and being in trucking myself for the last 45 years I've heard and seen it all.

Sharon and John, mostly Sharon run a good solid company where honesty is always their policy. She stands behind her trucks 100 0/0 and her drivers as well.

If something is broken its fixed right then the trucks don't earn if the wheels don't turn. She's a hard lady, but a lady none the less and has a heart of gold, the only people who have trouble with her are the ones who don't work.

Anyone who says she's horrible only knows her through word of mouth and as we all know u need to actually meet someone first before judging.

I've worked for her personally and have a dozen family and friends who have as well and there's not one that would say she's easy all the time but they all say that she's never let them down and she'll do what she says as long as u do what u say.

Oct 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

Carry On Trucking, Pulaski, Va. They Are Pretty Awesome.

Oct 16, 2014
broke down trucks
by: Anonymous

Every time I see one of their trucks it is broke down. People say they are horrible employers

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