
by jennifer
(Lafayette tn)

I met my boyfriend 8 months ago and it was love at first site for me. It took him a little longer because he had been in a long drawn out relationship that ended badly.

Now here we are 8 months later. We live together and share many things in common. One thing we don't share though is a love for the road. I am 43 years old and have a 17 yr old teenager who has better things to do than hang out with mom.

I have never dated a truck driver before and I'm trying real hard to deal with my boyfriend being gone most of the time. I really am but it is hard and gets so lonely. Anyway I have a full time job which keeps me busy during the day and we have 2 dogs that also keep me busy.

It's just that there is this empty feeling when he is not here and I thought maybe you guys could help me cope with understanding this life. Lol

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Oct 28, 2014
by: Anonymous

The understanding does not come over night. Sorry. It is a wait and watch stage you are in. You may not like this lifestyle and you can not figure that out until time has past. As far as coping with loneliness or sadness, well that is something that comes from within and guidance. You will need a counselor for that. If you are not happy from within it will never work for you. It is good to find out if you are just lonely for him or you are just a lonely person period. If you find you cant handle this type of relationship then you should bow out early for not just you but for him as well it is only fair. js. good luck.

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