Jennifer Schnittker, better known online as "Kiss"

by Jennifer Schnittker
(Butler, Pa 16001)

My Trucker and Me ;) (Keith N Jen)

My Trucker and Me ;) (Keith N Jen)

Most of you already know a bit about me, as I can be found giving advise on this column with truckers wives, families, and hey just about anything to do with the "trucking industry" So here is some more about me that is not written in the Truckers wives column

More about me:


I enjoy during the warmer months working and giving my time to charitable organizations such as food pantries.

For the most part my "spare time" (which I find myself having too much of) is spent on the computer, playing computer games--mostly pogo pool. I enjoy chatting, meeting new people.


I am a huge football fan, we usually are busy on Sunday. Sunday consists of either Football or Racing, there are 4 weeks a year we do not have 1 or the other on.

Born, Raised and Bred in Pittsburgh--I have no choice but to be a Steeler's fan, its in my blood!

Racing--Love Elliot Sadler--although struggling with GEM who has kicked him out of his seat, then put him back in when faced with his law-suit, I may be forced to find another driver--but only time will tell.


I enjoy listening (and yes, pretty loudly, my kids love me for that) to music, Mostly hard rock. Not death metal but groups such as : Godsmack, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Seether, Sublime. I like the softer rock: Hinder, Creed, 3 days grace as well.

Rarely I get a taste for country--rarely.


Fun and usually quite happy. A bubbly personality, but my husband all calls me a "fire cracker" it takes me a while to get my fuse lit, but when it happens, the explosion is quick, and over with just as quick.

I am very pro-active in everything my family does. Even to the extent that I have personally called "safety managers" at the places my husband has worked, and gave them the 3rd degree about pushing hours that were not legal, and quoting from the FMCSA on log and birth laws. All wives need to be proactive in their own lives. Since we are single-wives, we need to step up to bat, learn all we can, and be active in his daily life (I do NOT mean you should call the company and tell them off because you do not like what they are doing to your husband) This is not advisable, I got away with it, but you may not, It could possibly cost your husband his job. ;)

My Blog

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Jun 14, 2012
Yeah PA! NEW
by: Mil AKA Mamapie

Hi Jennifer! Finally somebody a little closer to NJ! Lol I'm new to the forum and going through the profiles I saw a lot of Texas wives as well as other Southern I say Yeah to PA :). I'm trucker's wife located in NJ. My hubby has been driving for over 25 years although we have only been together for 12 of them. My first marriage was to an accountant .... Can you say "major adjustment"? LOL. But other than his amazing swagger (smile), one thing that attacked me to my husband was his love for what he does. He is an owner/operator which brings its own headaches and challenges, but so do other jobs. Hope to join in some chats...I've been wanting to be in a truckers wives forum for years!!!!!!!

Apr 23, 2012
would you be interested... NEW
by: Stephanie

in speaking with me about being part of a documentary on Trucker Wives? You sound very interesting! leave me a comment with a way to contact you.THANKS! Stephanie

Feb 12, 2011
I agree with you on stepping up
by: Vanessa

Dear Jennifer,
My name is Vanessa, and I completely agree with you on stepping up to bat even if it means going to war with the company.

They write their own rules (for the most part) on safety issues, than don't follow them some places even to the extent of making your spouse break mandatory laws of the government, not caring that he could loose not only his job, but his license as well.

They don't care because there is another driver right behind him waiting for a job. That sickens me. It's been tried on my husband before, until I threatened them with, not only turning them into state law enforcement but Federal as well, than slapping them with a law suit on top of it.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. My husband left that company shortly afterward on his own terms.

Jan 24, 2009
by: Anonymous


Who else could you possibly want to win? Steelers all the way baby--I am probably more passionate about my Steelers than I am about dumb A** dispatchers that go home at 5--and try to push the guys way beyond legal log hours--Sooo be very careful, and just agree with me for both of our sakes :)

Jan 24, 2009
"Kiss" supports her hubby
by: Jimmy

Hey Jen, Your hubby be lucky. Sounds like you got it down pretty good with the marriage and lifestyle. You're a good inspiration for the ladies that need it.

P.S. I live in Arizona, who do you think I want in Super Bowl? Jimmy

Jan 24, 2009
You Go Girl
by: Anonymous

That last part might just get those shippers and dispatchers straightened out after all!

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