Jimmy L.Gilbert (felon x 1) needs a good solid company.

by Mary
(Corpus Christi,Tx, USA)

There is no perfect company as long as they have needs. I will rate my friend Jimmy a 9 on a 1 to 10 scale. Why! Because truck driving is all this man knows after doing it for 23 years. You name it and he has pretty much done it in when it comes to driving big trucks. But one mistake has been the burden of his life. I can't believe how insurance companies have pretty much dictated the future of a felon. Is there anyone out there that believes a man deserves a second chance because there is just no place for an amputated spirit living with a mistake striving to get back to trucking which in his case is HOME.


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Jul 15, 2011
Regarding my comments
by: Anonymous

Hard working, caresmatic, great work ethics, educated to diesel engines and performed his own mechanical needs to his assigned trucks. Very easy going and so easy to get along with. Jimmy's felony did not involve a fatal collision, accident or anything directly involved with his job. Nor was his license tarnished with provocation. I would like for a respectible company to step up to the plate and give this man the second chance he deserves. Believe me when I say, "He is just the driver that will perform to the highest honest expectations and also be a leading contributer to a winning team.
_____NOW WHOSE FIRST______

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