Jose Sanchez

by Jose J. Sanchez
(San Antonio, Tx 78201)

I've got a felony 10yrs ago for knowing that my mother in law was gonna drop off (a package) and didn't do anything about it. She asked me to take her to a tuck stop so I gave her a ride. Half way there she tells me what she's up to, and I told her I wanted nothing to do with it.

I dropped her off and she went her way. I was caught on tape taking her there. A year later when they found me they asked if I knew what she was there for. I was truthful and said YES, but I wanted nothing with it so I just left her There with HER friends.

I got 10yrs probation no prison time. The past ten yrs I've been driving for YELLOW CAB SATX passing u.a.s for them and my PO. Now I'm off paper since 11/27/2010, but everybody gives me the run around when they hear FELONY.

I just need a little help, still clean and don't wanna go back.

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Jan 10, 2017
Felons getting cdl.
by: Anonymous

I realize this thread is old, but maybe it can still help others.
Felons can get free cdl training through the WIOA Program in their state. The unemployment office can help with this.

The program required you get a couple of pre-hires from trucking companies before they approve cdl school.

Carolina Cargo and PI&I Motor Express will give pre-hire letters to felons in this case. To get the pre-hire letter, simply submit the online application on the trucking companies website.

You will get a letter informing you that you will be hired contingent upon successfully completing cdl school. This letter is what the WIOA Program wants to see.

Jun 10, 2011
their is a job for you
by: Anonymous

if your felony is in fact 10years cr england will train and hire you

Mar 06, 2011
cleaning up your act to get back on track
by: Hervy

Congratulations Jose for getting cleaned man.

I know it's tough for you now, but you know, that's how it is.

The main thing is you getting around positive people to help you stay on course despite all the obstacles and closed doors.

Network locally. Take some classes at your local community colleges that shippers, receivers, or hiring managers might be attending. Leadership, time management, etc. Who knows who you will meet. In conversation mention how you want to learn to be a positive inspiration to others who have ended up where you are and want to turn their lives into something.

Tell them your dreams and ambitions. If that is driving so be it. People like helping those who are doing things to try and help themselves.

Oh also go eat lunch in industrial area restaurants and just talk to people. Ask where they work. Ask if they are hiring truckers. Or go to the businesses and ask. All places don't advertise. You may meet someone who is feeling you and put in a good word or even vouch as if they know you. (That would depend mostly on your attitude and first impression)

Meanwhile keep applying to trucking companies and knocking on other doors of opportunity. One day they will start to open.

The longer you stay on course the closer you get to where you want to be man. Hang in there.

Stay motivated

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