July 14, 2010: What type and size of truck do I need to haul 3 rooms of furniture (??); it currently fills a 10' x 10' storage rental.

by Joe G
(saint paul, MN (USA))

July 14, 2010
Truck rental places ask what TYPE of truck I want;
Box, Straight, Panel Van, Parcel Van, Box Truck
.... Light, Medium, Heavy ???? What do you think
the weight capcacity of the truck should be for
hauling 3 rooms of furniture: 3000 lbs, 14000 lbs, more ????

All I know is: I have 3 rooms of furniture stuffed in a 10' x 10'
storage rental room and I need to haul it with
WHAT TYPE OF TRUCK ???? (I need help deciding the TYPE OF TRUCK).

You can also reply to: joe_gervais@yahoo.com

Comments for July 14, 2010: What type and size of truck do I need to haul 3 rooms of furniture (??); it currently fills a 10' x 10' storage rental.

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Jul 15, 2010
the right truck size for your furniture
by: Hervy

Hey Joe, 10 x 10 is a 100 square feet

so get a truck that provides at least 100 square feet. Seems like a 14' box truck would hold it easy enough assuming it is at least 10' wide.

You didn't mention the height so don't know the cubic feet but if the box truck is as high as the furniture is piled in the storage unit it should fit.


Jul 15, 2010
the right truck size for your furniture
by: Hervy

Hey Joe, 10 x 10 is a 100 square feet

so get a truck that provides at least 100 square feet. Seems life a 14' box truck would do it assuming it is at least 10' wide.

You didn't mention the height so don't know the cubic feet but if the box truck is as high as the furniture is piled in the storage unit it should fit.


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