Jus got a dui in Pennsylvania In my personal car, should I get a lawyer

by Scott Sibert
(Washington PA 15301)

Jus got a dui in Pennsylvania In my personal car will I lose my cdl & should I get a lawyer

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Oct 09, 2013
yes you can
by: Anonymous

I am not sure what your question is leading up too?

Should you get a lawyer because you are a trucker?

Should you get a lawyer because you want to fight the DUI?

When asking a question it would be good to elaborate as most people cannot read minds....

If you are a trucker and you lose the case you lose your CDL. One cannot be a trucker with a DUI on their record and in most states DUI's stay on record for 10 years.

If you are a truck driver you might want to look for a career change.

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