Just considering getting my CDL A

by Freddy Redsox

Okay, don't blast me - but 22 years ago I got convicted of Sex Assault 1st with a minor. A baby sitter told her girlfriend we were doing it (we weren't!) Her grand father was chief of police - needless to say I'm a convicted Sex Offender now.

I'm not on probation or parole - did my time and have lived as clean a life as possible since my release from the big house.

Is it a waste of time for me to get my CDL? I was thinking most companies ask if it's 5 to 10 years ago. Mine was 22 years. However, with it being a violent charge will I be wasting my $5000 with a school?

Please good advice only. I've been made to feel like a piece of crap from society for the past two decades already.



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Mar 28, 2013
TMC Transportation NEW
by: Anonymous

TMC Transportation has quite a few sex offenders working for them. Some as trainers. The charge has to be 10 years old. I know of some that they pretty much took right after release cuz their sentence was longer than the 10 years. Some of their crimes were a lot more violent than what your describing. I think they help with the schooling too.

Mar 28, 2013
TMC Transportation NEW
by: Anonymous

TMC Transportation has quite a few sex offenders working for them. Some as trainers. The charge has to be 10 years old. I know of some that they pretty much took right after release cuz their sentence was longer than the 10 years. Some of their crimes were a lot more violent than what your describing. I think they help with the schooling too.

May 27, 2010
be prepared
by: Anonymous

You cant hide anything anymore. this all depends really on what kind of person you are now.There are stories and the there is the truth dont know your story.Just keep trying i guess. they do run background checks.

Apr 18, 2010
Haunted by the past
by: Jimmy

Most companies will find out about your past. Jimmy

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