Just started driving and I got a flat, a fender bender and got stuck will I get fired or just more traning

by newbie

Just got my truck and started out driving for USA trucking. There was a tarp in the middle of the road. I was able to avoid it but it caused a flat tire. They listed that as a "preventable"

Then, after being given incorrect directions and run in circles wound up getting stuck in a railroad yard overpass causing damage to the trailer.

No tickets were issued for either incident. Wondering if I will be fired for this?

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Feb 12, 2011
new truckers having accidents while on probation at a trucking company
by: Anonymous

Most new drivers are on probation for the first ninety days you probably will get terminated wish you luck be more careful should have hit the tarp then it would not have been a preventable when it comes to underpasses if it is not marked slow down and ease up to it and get out and check do not take any chances never get in a hurry. I cannot stress that enough

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