Just stopped smoking weed, how long should I wait before trucking?

I just quit smoking marijuana because I really want to drive. I just got the info on training, when is the soonest I would be tested if I'm just starting the academy or how long should I wait?

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May 09, 2015
minimum of............. NEW
by: Anonymous

marijuana can be detected for up to 30 days, but as poppy seeds can throw a false positive test don't eat any poppy seeds. if I were in your shoes this is what I would do (just so you know I've never dealt with this) count about 45 days after your last joint, take the home test if it comes up negative then try to go trucking

Jun 11, 2014
Tick tock NEW
by: NickV

Depending on how long or how much you smoked will tell how long it will take to clear. I will tell you this, you will not push in an air brake til you pass your drug test. They will give you one the very first day and you can't drive til it comes back. First thing that happens in an accident where a big truck is involved is you take a drug tested. That school gets their truck in an accident with a dirty driver and they will go down in flames. You can also be random drug tested while in school. If your gonna drive then drugs have to be a thing of the past. Also I strongly advise going to your local drug store and purchasing a drug test before you start. If you fail a drug test given by a school it will go on your record and no matter how clean you ever get you will be able to join school, get your CDL, and then you will never be able to find a job and be in a huge amount of debt. Congrats for quitting just be smart about it

Jun 11, 2014
interesting... NEW
by: Anonymous

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